I am pretty sure you will be as amazed as I have been to find out which beautiful maps have been created by the mappers within 52 hours!
The maps included are (in order of their final ranking, shared places included):
1. de_52leon by Warbeast
2. de_52costadelsol by Bruder D
2. de_52andalusia by Bleibringer
4. de_52puente by Cortex
5. de_52spania by SuperPinki_TM
6. cs_52sevilla by Cydney
7. de_52mangana by X-Tender
8. de_52casco by ThunderRabbit
8. cs_52villabacho by [Muhwies]Autopilot
10. de_52lagranja by ShadowCrawler
10. de_52castello by Di$T0rTi0